The society was created in January of 1951. We are some 100+ members strong now. The society is here to promote interest in orchids and distribute information on the culture, development and hybridization of orchids.
Programs are related to the growing and use of Orchids and include speakers, slide shows, plant clinics and show tables for the display of members' plants. Orchid shows, culture classes and greenhouse tours are held periodically. The society maintains a library for members' use.
Annual membership in the Orchid Society of Greater St. Louis is just $25.00 per person. Please come to a meeting to see what we have to offer and get aquainted. You can get an application form there or you can download a copy of the application in Adobe Acrobat format by clicking the link at right. You can print the application, fill it out and send it with your dues to the address on the application or bring it to the next meeting.